Why Register a Business in Dubai During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Why register a business in Dubai during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The Ministry of Economy reported that 394,083 mainland licenses were issued in Dubai and Abu Dhabi from Jan 2019 to May 2019. Another news report said that the Department of Economic Development in Dubai had registered over 509 instant licenses during the first quarter of 2019 alone – recording a development of 45.4 percent compared to 2018. However, the year 2020 has been different with the world coping through the COVID-19 pandemic. The current pandemic of 2020 has affected the idea of entrepreneurship in Dubai.

So, if you are doubtful and are questioning whether to register a business in Dubai during this pandemic, here are the reasons why you must!

Top reasons to register a business in Dubai during the COVID-19 pandemic:

E-Commerce & Online Businesses

A recent report by the Business Registration & Licensing (BRL) sector in the Dubai Economy stated that there is a spike in e-commerce and online businesses. A total of 1,969 licenses were issues in Dubai for their type of business. The average yearly growth rate of new licenses in this activity for the last five years has been 120%. However, with the pandemic there has been a new scope for online businesses and e-commerce activities. The DED Trader license initiated by the BRL enables to conduct business activities online and across social networking sites. Currently, this license represented 28 % of the total commercial licenses in Dubai.

Register Company on WhatsApp

You can register your company in Dubai Free Zone or get a DED licenses on WhatsApp! Kiklabb – Dubai Government entity authorised by the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) has started the initiative. Company registration in Dubai is possible using WhatsApp business solutions. The facility is intended to help entrepreneurs start their business remotely.

Government Support

Dubai has announced an AED1.5 billion stimulus package to support business dealing with financial crisis caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic. The second package of AED 3.3 billion was announced recently. This showcases Dubai’s commitment and proactive approach of supporting businesses to overcome the repercussions caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, Government agencies help SME’s and startup firms with lenient payment structure – such as monthly instalments, fees waivers and the possibility of online company registration.

Build Today, Expand Tomorrow

Dubai has always offered increasing economy avenues and diversified business modules for entrepreneurs from around the globe. Investors come to start business in Dubai and to take advantage of the massive business opportunities along with innovation-based prospects. However, if this pandemic is making you think twice, then know that you can build today to expand tomorrow! Register a business in Dubai that is of value in an environment full of uncertainties, you are only going to be sturdier once the economy improves. Start a business in Dubai today with the least expenses and expand once the economy picks up.

Setup Business for The Environment

Currently, the business’s future is highly sector-dependent. But this is not new, businesses are supposed to understand the environment and tweak their business module to be able to address the needs of the market. If a businessman is able to provide a product or service to an environment that needs it, the business will flourish irrespective.

Accelerating Digital Transformation

The wholesale and retail trade are the most important activities in Dubai. Government agencies are assuring to maintain Dubai’s status as a trading hub and a global logistic platform. The aim is to back economic diversification by facilitating companies to establish e-logistics distribution centers in Dubai by accelerate digital transformation. This is going to encourage cloud computing services and leading companies to set up data centres in Dubai. So, if you plan to register a trading company in Dubai – you can still go ahead!

Speak with an expert to register a business in Dubai during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Still confused? Understanding the applicability of your business in the current environment can be difficult. Thus, before you take the step, speak to an expert from DBS Business Setup to make the decisions and understand everything about registering a business in Dubai.

DBS Business Setup is a leading business setup service provider in UAE, that offers assistance in terms of registering a business as well as guides you through the process of company setup in Dubai and across the UAE.

register a business in DubaiFor more details book your free consultation https://www.dubaibusinessservices.com/contact-us/ You may also call us on +97145667485 or WhatsApp +971551129344 to request a call back.

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